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4th Conference and Exhibition of the Cyprus Supply Association

The Cyprus Supply Chain Association (CY.S.CA) is organizing its 4th Conference under the auspices of the CCCI, titled “Responsible Supply Chain Operations,” on Thursday, October 17, 2024, at the Kousioumi Estate in Nicosia.

As part of the conference, the 1st Nationwide Readiness Survey of Companies and Organizations for ESG in the Supply Chain and Business Operations will be conducted.

The purpose of the survey is to assess the readiness of companies and organizations according to European ESRS standards regarding their compliance with the pillars of Corporate Sustainability – Environment, Society, Governance, and to provide information on best ESG practices in the Supply Chain and Business Operations.

The questionnaire will take approximately 15 minutes, and the responses will be anonymous. Please click here to start the survey.

PDF – 4th Conference and Exhibition of the Cyprus Supply Chain Association