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Training Activity

The intense training activity of the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry covers every year a wide spectrum of business – related issues. Among others training programmes are organised in the following areas:

*Management *Sales
*Marketing *International Commercial Terms
*Taxation *Business Law Issues
*European Union Issues *Quality Systems (ISO 9000, TOM etc.)
*Environment *Office Practice
*Labour Relations *Purchasing and Storekeeping

The basic aim of the programmes is always to satisfy specific training needs of the business community which are ascertained through research conducted among the member – enterprises but also through the close monitoring of the developments and changes in the economic, legal and business environment both in Cyprus and abroad.

All the programmes are conducted by Cypriot or foreign instructors who have extensive experience and knowledge in the specific topics but also more generally in the field of training / education.

To ensure the success of the programmes, all modern training approaches are used such as multimedia projections, case studies, examples from real “business life”, discussion, e.t.c.

The continuous adaptation of the programmes based on the developments and needs that arise but also the significant experience of the specialised training department of the CCCI, guarantees the provision of modern and effective training.

The Chamber co – operates closely in the organisation of the programmes with the Human Resource Development Authority of Cyprus, the Local Chambers but also others where this is considered necessary.

For more information but also for complete lists and brochures of the programmes that are organised as well as participation forms, interested parties are requested to contact the Training Department of the CCCI at tel. no. 22889880. For information on the programmes that are currently open please refer to “Training Programmes” on the opening page of this website.