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Announcement of the Department of Labour Inspection

High concentrations of dust are observed in the air today, 25 October 2023, according to measurements from ground Stations of the Air Quality Monitoring Network operated by the Department of Labour Inspection.

The public, and particularly any vulnerable groups of population (children, older people, and the infirm) are urged to avoid circulating in open spaces until the observed episode has elapsed, as the small size of respirable particles in dust may have negative effects on human health.

The employers, based on The Safety and Health at Work (Code of Practice for the Protection of Persons at Work During Dust Episodes) Order of 2022 (P. I. 410/2022), must take appropriate measures (organizational and/or technical) after assessing any risks that their employees may face while working in open spaces, and it is recommended that workers in such spaces use appropriate means of personal protection.

PDF – Dust Announcement