International Relations
Apart from the close bilateral relations and co – operation with Chambers abroad and other business organisations, the CCCI is also a member of international organisations representing the Chambers movement, as well as other relevant international organisations, and it participates actively in their work.
Specifically the CCCI is a member of:
the Eurochambers which are the Association of the Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the European Union member – states and the countries associated with the EU through special agreements.
- the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
- the European Association of Craft, Small and Medium – Sized Enterprises (UEAPME)
- the Eurocommerce
- the Assembly of the Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ASCAME)
- the Association of Balkan Chambers (ABC)
- the World Association for Small and Medium Enterprises (WASME)
- the European Trade Promotion Organisation (ETPO)
- the GS1, former International Article Numbering Association (EAN International)
In its capacity as member of the Employers’ Delegation, the CCCI participates in the sessions of the International Conference of the International Labour Organisation (ILO).
Furthermore, the Chamber’s affiliated Professional Associations, are represented in International Professional Associations as follows:
- The Universal Federation of Travel Agents Associations (UFTAA)
- The European Plastics Converters (EUPC)
- The International Union of Commercial Agents (IUCAB)
- The International Federation of Associations of Transport Agents (FIATA)
- The International Federation of Customs Agents (CONFIAD)
- The International Federation of Public Warehousing Associations (IFPWA)
- The International Ship Suppliers Association (ISSA)
- The European Advertising Agents Association (EAAA)
- The International Union of Immovable Property Owners (UIPI)
- The Junior Chamber International (JCI)
- The European Confederation of Young Entrepreneurs (YES)
- The European Confederation of Professional Beauticians (CEPEC)
- The International Real Estate Federation (FIABCI)
- The International Association of the Soap, Detergent and Maintenance Products Industry (AISE)