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Amendments to Maternity Protection and Social Insurance Laws

The CCCI informs you that both the Maternity Protection Act and the Social Insurance Act have been amended so that the relevant maternity allowance will be paid.

Indicatively, the maternity period has been increased in specific cases and the extension of this additional period entitles the beneficiary to maternity allowance from the Social Insurance Fund for the additional period.

The relevant amendments shall apply from 1 March 2024 and shall also cover the employee who was on maternity leave on that date. These amendments are shown in detail in the table below.

It is noted that for the remaining cases, the maternity period remains the same, i.e. in the case of a second birth, the maternity period remains at 22 weeks, and in the case of a third and subsequent birth, the maternity period remains at 26 weeks.

For further clarifications or information, you can contact the Department of Labor Relations, Social Policy & Human Resources Development of the CCCI at telephone no. 22 889708.

The amendments to the Maternity and Social Insurance Laws are attached below in full.

PDF Circular – Amendments to Maternity Protection and Social Insurance Laws