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Services offered by the Department of Labour Relations, Social Policy & Human Resource Development

  • Represents, Promotes and defends the views of the employers in tripartite committees and Councils where labour and social issues are discussed (labour Advisory Body, Social Insurance Council, Cyprus Productivity Council, National Committee of Employment e.t.c.) and in Committees of the European Union for Labour matters.
  • Advice and Assist members in:
  1. Negotiating or collectively bargaining with Trades Union both at sectoral and enterprise level. This may take the form of studying and evaluating labour demands or providing with information or even conducting the negotiations for them.
  2. Handling labour disputes with Trade Unions which includes the mediation and arbitration process at the Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance.
  3. Dealing effectively with labour disputes and personnel problems arising daily in the work place.
  4. Dealing with inspections
  5. Dealing with corporate Social Responsibility.
  6. Dealing with Human Resources Management.
  • Represents members in discussion with Trade Unions and public authorities on all labour issues.
  • Advise and guide members on the correct implementation of Labour laws such as the Termination of Employment Law, Social Security, Maternity leave law, Part – time employment law, Organization of working Time Law, Fixed Term employee Law and in general the whole range of labour legislation.
  • Provides labour market information:
  1. Wage systems and levels
  2. Wage trends and fringe benefits
  3. Terms and conditions of employment
  4. Working time and working conditions
  5. Annual leave, maternity leave, sick leave
  6. Social security
  7. Provident Fund
  • Advise and inform on health and safety issues at workplace according to the provisions of all relevant labour laws
  • Transfer information and knowledge to employers by:
  1. Informing current development and changes in labour law and labour relations practices
  2. Organizing conferences, training and seminars on Labour laws and labour relations practices
  3. Issuing publications newsletters and booklets on labour issues.
  • Assist members in obtaining permits for importing foreign workforce.