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Department of Services, Trade & Digitalisation

The Department of Services, Trade & Digitalisation,  houses the vast majority of Professional Associations operating under the auspices of the CCCI. The department has a long history of recording and addressing concerns of the Cypriot business community and is also engaged in the promotion of Cyprus tourism sector.

Furthermore, the department operates to promote big investment projects in Cyprus as well as Cyprus as a place to conduct business in general.

Additionally, it is engaged in the technology sector, working closely with professionals which operate in the fields of digitalisation, cyber security, electronic money etc.

The department monitors 3 CCCI committees (the Tourism, Services and Commerce Committees) and advocates for the safeguarding of the rights and interests of its member associations.

Finally the department handles the major associations related to Tourism, the Real Estate and Stock Exchange and Trade.


Staff of the Department

Christos Petsides, Director
Zacharias Manitaras, Officer
Constantinos Hadjipolykarpou, Officer
Stefani Christodoulou, Administrative Personnel

Contact details of the Department

Tel: +357 22889890
Fax: +357 22667593