The Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry has a long standing experience in participating in European Commission and other funded projects. It is the Chamber’s belief that such projects are an invaluable tool for acquiring experience and gaining access to sources of knowledge relevant to the interests of its member enterprises, be that of educational nature, training, research or hands-on experience, in fields ranging from e-commerce, gender equality, environmental management, cross-border business cooperation and so on.
The recent and current projects implemented by the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry, include the following:
Project Name | Project Description | Programme Name | Project start date | Project end date |
Title European Centre of Vocational Excellence in Microelectronics Acronym ECoVEM | ECoVEM project brings together VET centres, polytechnics, industrial associations, social partners to establish European Cooperation platform of Vocational Excellence in Microelectronics to tackle the challenges of: digitalisation, artificial intelligence, green technologies, gender equality and technology, integration of migrants. ECoVEM will contribute to the sustainable VET governance at national and EU levels through involvement of policy makers in VET and employment, social partners, industrial associations and companies for: • lifelong teacher training and stimuli for raised teacher’s qualification • implementing the advanced countries’ best practices and approaches to excellence in VET into less advanced regions • efficient financial models for VET including work-based and apprenticeship and for investment in VET and applied research • raising the role of VET in Smart Specialisation Strategies ECoVEM embodies excellence in VET with 21 partners from 7 countries representing CoVEs for EQF 3-8, industry with national and EU industry associations, regulatory bodies in accreditation and certification and social organisations of women in technology and immigrants. | ERASMUS+ KA3-Support for Policy Reform | November 2020 | October 2024 |
LEARN “Towards a Holistic Transformation of Organisations into Learning Workplaces” | LEARN aims to develop a strategic approach for the transformation of organisations into ‘Learning Workplaces” through the design and development of an ISO certification so that organisations that are learning workplaces may be certified. | Erasmus+ | January 2020 | December 2022 |
TechCMS “Technology-Enhanced Career Management Skills” | The main aim of the TechCMS project is to develop and deliver an innovative Virtual Career Guidance and Learning Centre and an on-line self-assessment tool to enhance the capacity of career counsellors through training, to provide career management skills to individuals and empower them through the use of the technology. | Erasmus+ | January 2020 | December 2021 |
SEA OF EXPERIENCE (SoE) | Sea of Experience will establish a strong knowledge triangle among education, industry and public authorities; the Eastern Mediterranean Regional Network (EMReN). Sea of Experience will fully exploit the resources of this network to develop common blue training courses(educational themes concerning the target sectors of maritime transport, shipbuilding and ship repair, ports and cruises industry) that will be available through the innovative sharing pooling e-platform; thus, assisting sharing of training schemes and best practices. Finally, through the events, the workshops and the synergies that will be conducted and/ or established during the project the mobility of learners and teachers will be promoted not only in the EMReN but also in a broaden European level. | EMFF-Blue Economy-2018 | November 2019 | October 2022 |
BLUE CROWDFUNDING | Blue economy innovation in Mediterranean could be significantly improved, if more investment funds would be available. One possible solution is use of Crowdfunding (CF), but in MED area knowledge and capacities for CF are still low in comparison to North EU. The BLUE CORWDFUNDING project aims to improve innovation capacities in blue growth sector by mainstreaming use of crowdfunding. Additional project’s ambition is to trigger change from using public funds for innovation to use crowdfunding and crowdsourcing to fund, test and validate innovative blue economy products and services. Consequently blue-economy SMEs will get better access to funding and will be able to deliver better and more innovative solutions. Project value: €2,112,691.00 Project is supported by the INTERREG MED Programme of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Total co-financing amounts: €1,996,946.50 | Interreg MED | November 2019 | June 2022 |
NAYS | Core idea of NAYS is the Exploitation of Maritime Intelligence and interoperability system in the Supply Chain of the Cruise aiming to support this system through the creation of a cooperative network among ports (MSW) (G2G), among ports and cruises companies (G2B) and among cruises companies and local producers/ suppliers (B2B). | Interreg GR-CY 2014-2020 | January 2019 | December 2021 |
GO_BRAND | GO_BRAND aims to support and reinforce SMEs active in the traditional food and beverage sector as well as in tourism, through synergies and networking activities for their best promotion and branding, with the overall objective of enabling them to access foreign markets abroad. | Interreg GR-CY 2014-2020 | November 2017 | April 2020 |
FOCUS | The Agri-food SMEs represent an important part of the Balkan-Med economy and thus drive competitiveness and employment in the region. However, agri-food SMEs throughout Balkan and EU, face significant challenges. FOCUS project aims at establishing transnational Agri-food cooperation links among agri-food businesses, research institutions, technology providers, policy makers and customers that will enhance technology transfer and food innovation in order to facilitate the upgrade of agri-food SMEs competitiveness and extroversion. | Interreg BalkanMed 2014-2020 | November 2017 | October 2019 |
INNOVENTER | Core idea of INNOVENTER is to establish social entrepreneurship VET training for SME entrepreneurs so they innovate, socially as well as in terms of establishing new business opportunities. Its main objectives are: Development of joint training curriculum and tailor‐made learning modules raising SMEs’ competitiveness through practitioners’ field visits exchange; Apply new innovative education and training methods/tools (online/mobile‐learning) through technology and knowledge transfer. | Interreg BalkanMed 2014-2020 | September 2017 | August 2019 |
MENTOR | The proposed Blue Career Centre of Eastern Mediterranean (EM) and Black Sea(BS), aims to attract young people and experienced workers and fill existing skills' gaps by supporting activities that will increase employability in key Blue sectors of the region: Maritime Transport (shipping, ports, ship-repairs and shipbuilding), cruise and nautical tourism, aquaculture and offshore oil and gas. | EASME/EMFF/2016/ - Blue Careers in Europe | March 2017 | February 2019 |
Showing 1 to 10 of 37 entries