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EUropean Learning Experience Platform

Mediterranean Bee Hubs

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Project in brief

The green and digital transitions are opening up new opportunities for people and the EU economy. Having the relevant skills empowers people to successfully navigate labour market changes and to fully engage in society and democracy. This will ensure that nobody is left behind and the economic recovery as well as the green and digital transitions are socially fair and just. A workforce with skills that are in demand also contributes to sustainable growth, leads to more innovation and improves companies' competitiveness.

The EULEP project emerged from the need to establish a transnational cooperation platform that helps to foster vocational education and training (VET) excellence while addressing regional/national and EU priorities, specializing in the fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Virtual Reality (VR) and Social Innovation (SI) as means to promote lifelong learning in enterprises.

At the heart of EULEP lies the implementation of the EUropean Learning Experience Platform, in essence a Centre of Vocational Excellence which brings together 20 organisations from 8 countries, working together to make continuous VET more attractive for lifelong learning, and offer businesses new and tailor-made training modules that correspond to their skills needs in innovation-oriented subjects.

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June 2022 – May 2026


Total project budget €4,925,481       
EU Contribution €3,940,376

Co-funded by

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