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Farewell and thanks from the Secretary General of the CCCI Mr Marios Tsiakkis

Dear Members,

After 38 years of service, 12 of which as the Secretary General of the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI), the time has come for me to step down. Throughout this long journey, I have had the joy and the privilege of meeting many remarkable people and working with you for the common good of our country.

Over all these years, I have consciously strived to perform my duties with determination but also with respect for differing views, using sound arguments and a calm tone. I firmly believe that when faced with difficult situations, mutual understanding and a willingness to reach a proper compromise always produce the best outcome for all parties.

All that we have achieved is the result of collective effort, with the close and sincere support of the Executive Committee, the Boards of CCCI, the Local Chambers, and all my colleagues at the CCCI, who have stood by me throughout this time.

The above would not have been possible without your selfless support and collaboration, whether as members or external partners. I sincerely thank you and urge you to continue supporting the CCCI in the challenging tasks it faces every day.

I depart fully satisfied, confident that I am handing over the CCCI strong and credible, as it deserves to be. It is my intention to remain active, contributing as much as possible with my knowledge and experience. In this regard, I would be very pleased to remain in touch. My email is

In closing, I wish each and every one of you a Merry Christmas, Health, Happiness, and continued personal and professional success.

Yours sincerely,

Marios Tsiakkis
Secretary General