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Funding Scheme for Energy Save – Energy Upgrade to Households (2024)

We would like to inform you that the Ministry of Energy, Commerce, and Industry has announced the call for applications for the Funding Scheme Energy Save – Energy Upgrade to Households (2024).

Applications will be accepted from Thursday, November 21, 2024, until January 31, 2025, or until the available budget ends, exclusively through the electronic Funding Scheme System of the Industrial and Technology Service.

The maximum funding amount for each home is determined by the type of investment chosen, specifically:

• Investment Type A: Maximum funding amount: €32,000. Refers to homes upgraded to Nearly Zero Energy Buildings, achieving at least 60% energy savings.
• Investment Type B: Maximum funding amount: €24,000. Refers to homes achieving at least 60% energy savings.
• Investment Type C: Maximum funding amount: €7,775. Refers to upgrading heating/cooling systems in homes with an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) of category B or better, through the installation of a new heat pump. This installation can be combined with the installation of a photovoltaic system using the net-billing method.

Find the Scheme’s guide and the Ministry’s official announcement here.
For further assistance you can call the Funding Scheme Assistance Line: 17107

PDF Circular – Funding Scheme for Energy Save – Energy Upgrade to Households (2024)