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Important Update regarding the submission of energy upgrade applications for Large Enterprises

In continuation of its ongoing efforts to support businesses, the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI) would like to inform you of an important development regarding the submission of applications under the Grant Scheme of the Ministry of Energy, Commerce, and Industry, related to energy upgrades and the enhancement of the competitiveness of large enterprises.

Extension of Application Submission:
Due to recent legislation requiring the inclusion of the Transfer Pricing (TP) Study in the financial statements of companies, draft (unaudited) financial statements for the year 2022 will be accepted during the application submission process. However, audited financial statements must be submitted by November 30, 2024.

Additionally, it is expected that an extension for submitting applications will be granted until September 30, 2024. A relevant announcement is expected to be issued shortly by the Ministry of Energy, Commerce, and Industry.

The CCCI will continue to work to safeguard the interests of its members, promoting proposals that facilitate the operation of businesses and enhance their competitiveness. With this extension, we hope that companies will have the necessary time to complete their processes without unnecessary pressure.

For more information or clarifications, please contact the Trade & Industry Officer at 22867149.

PDF Circular – Important Update regarding the submission of energy upgrade applications for Large Enterprises