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Public Consultation on Evaluation of the Geo-blocking Regulation

The European Commission has launched a call for evidence to gather stakeholder feedback on Regulation (EU) 2018/302 on geo-blocking, which has been in effect since December 2018 to improve access to goods and services for individuals and businesses across the EU.

The Geo-blocking Regulation seeks to enhance the single market’s efficiency by eliminating unjustified geo-blocking and other forms of discrimination based on nationality, place of residence, or establishment. Geo-blocking practices occur when traders restrict access to their online platforms (websites, apps) for customers from other EU countries or apply different conditions based on a customer’s location, preventing cross-border transactions.

As the Regulation approaches its five-year evaluation, the European Commission is inviting businesses and stakeholders to share their experiences, concerns, and insights on its implementation and impact. Your feedback will be crucial in assessing whether the Regulation has effectively addressed geo-blocking issues and where improvements may be needed.

The feedback period is open from 11 February 2025 to 11 March 2025.
For more information on the Geo-blocking Regulation, please click HERE.

To access the call for evidence and submit your feedback, please click HERE. If you do not already have an account, you can register HERE.

Your participation in this consultation is highly valued, and we encourage you to contribute to shaping the future of the single market.

PDF – Public Consultation on Geo Blocking Regulation