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Public Consultation – “The Industrial Emissions … Law of 2024”

We would like to inform you that the Department of Environment has announced the amendment of the Industrial Emissions (Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control) Laws of 2013 to 2023 [Law 184(I) of 2013, 131(I) of 2016, 127(I) of 2021, 4(I) of 2023].

The purpose of the proposed bill is to extend the provision granted by the Industrial Emissions (Amendment) Law of 2023, Law 4(I)/2023, for the issuance of an Industrial Emissions Permit (IEP) by way of derogation, i.e., without the possession of a valid and in-force town planning permit, building permit, or certificate of approval.

The content of the bill remains the same as the amendment Law 4(I)/2023, with the difference being that the above-mentioned provision is extended for another 2 years, until 31.12.2026.

This extension is deemed necessary because, as has been observed, the two-year period approved by the Parliament during the passage of the amendment Law 4(I)/2023 was not sufficient for the issuance of the necessary town planning permits/building permits or certificates of approval. Currently, there are 57 facilities with pending town planning issues, and due to the reform in the operation of local government and the creation of new District Autonomous Organizations, the process for issuing town planning permits/building permits or certificates of approval may be further delayed.

You can find the relevant announcement from the Department of Environment as well as the related draft bill by clicking here.

Comments and suggestions regarding the bill can be submitted to the Department of Environment no later than 20.9.2024, at the email address:

PDF Circular – Public Consultation – The Industrial Emissions Law of 2024