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Eurofunding Guides: All the information you need

The Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry is the distributor of WelcomEurope Publications in Cyprus. WelcomEurope uses Eurofunding Database which contains detailed information on more than 400 funding sources for your projects!

In the Eurofunding Database, you will discover all the European funds available from the European institutions. We give you answers to your funding needs: Grants, quarantees, Investment funds, venture capital, challenges and prizes. Each fund is analysed, synthesised and described in a practical way in order to get an easier access to them. We know the key issue is to get the European doors open and to give you the most critical answers:

– What are the most appropriate funding sources for your projects?
– Which actions of yours can be funded?
– How much can you expect to receive?
– How do you present your application?
– Who is the person in charge?
– When do you have to present your application?
– What is the funding process?
You can order these either by visiting or contacting the CCCI premises (Chamber Building, 38, Grivas Digenis Avenue, Nicosia, Tel: 22889800,