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RIF’s Program – Enterprises Capacity Building in New Product Development

We would like to inform you that the Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF) announced the new Call for Proposals for the «Enterprises Capacity Building in New Product Development» Programme (NPD-CAPBLD/0624).

The «Enterprises Capacity Building in New Product Development» Programme aims to support companies with 30 or more employees, to employ specialised staff in New Product Development and to engage in research and development activities aiming at the development of new products and services.

Entities eligible to participate in this programme include Small, Medium or Large Sized Enterprises which have at least thirty (30) full-time employees with no significant prior experience in research and innovation.

The Call budget is €930.000, and the maximum funding per project is €30.000.

Learn more: PDF Circular – Programme Enterprises Capacity Building in New Product Development