Training Programs
- Seminar: Business Risk Management
- How You Can Beat the Recession
- Utilisation of Social Media
- Tactical Sales Initiatives
- Financing Strategies for the Cyprus Food and Beverages Sector
- Good Management and Organization Skills in the Office
- Strategy for Survival and Growth of a Family Business
- Seminar Labour Law
- Strategic Sales in Difficult Financial Times
- Good Management and Organization Skills in the Office
- Seminar Emergency First Aid at Work
- Seminar for Liabilities Insurance
- Tactical Sales Initiatives & Online Marketing for the Tourism Sector
- Seminar Labour Law
- How you can Beat the Recession by Cooperating with Others
- Seminars Win More Customers Make More Sales
- Seminar for Content Marketing and Online Reputation Management
- Seminar: Utilisation of Social Media
- Seminar for Content Marketing and Online Reputation Management
- Good Management and Organization Skills in the Office
- Seminar for Supply and Warehouse Management
- Dealing with and Making Use Of Customers Complaints
- Downsizing and Employee Engagement
- Seminar on Health and Safety
- Credit Policy & Credit Control