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Author: A. Antoniades

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs offers scholarship to study at the College of Europe

Τhe Ministry of Foreign Affairs, at the initiative of the General Secretariat for European Affairs, signed in December 2021 a Memorandum of Understanding with the College of Europe, offering an annual scholarship to Cypriot citizens, for one of the postgraduate programmes of the College.

The College of Europe was founded in 1949. Since 1992 it operates in two university campuses, the Bruges Campus in Belgium and the Natolin Campus in Poland. It offers a wide choice of postgraduate programmes in European Union affairs, providing postgraduate students with the necessary skills to live and work in the EU and, generally in a European and international environment.

Based on the provisions of the relevant Memorandum, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is offering for the Academic Year 2024-25 to Cypriot citizens, one (1) scholarship to study at the Bruges Campus amounting to twenty-nine thousand euros (€29,000), or one (1) scholarship to study at the Natolin Campus amounting to twenty-seven thousand euros (€27,000). The scholarship covers tuition fees and accommodation.

Interested applicants, must complete and submit their applications via the website of the College. The deadline for submission of applications is the 16th January 2024.
With regards to the selection process, the College of Europe proceeds with the first selection of candidates, which is then submitted to the National Selection Committee of the Republic of Cyprus, which was jointly set up with the College of Europe, as per provisions of the relevant Memorandum.

For further information or clarifications, please contact Ms Maria Giannou at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the following email address:


Webinar – College of Europe

Please be informed that, within the framework of Cyprus’ government cooperation with the College of Europe, an online presentation, tailored to Cypriot students, will take place on the 5th of December at 11:30 BE time / 12:30 CY time.

The presentation by the College of Europe is addressed to any person interested to study in the College.

The College of Europe is a higher education institution founded in 1949. Since 1992, it operates in two university campuses, the Bruges Campus in Belgium and the Natolin Campus in Poland. It offers a wide choice of postgraduate programmes in European Union affairs, providing postgraduate students with the necessary skills to live and work in the EU and, generally in a European and international environment.

The Cypriot Government offers 1 full scholarship to a Cypriot student, while the College also offers a number of other scholarships to Cypriot students.

If you are interested to attend the online presentation, please register through the following link.


Scholarship Announcement PDF

Scholarship Webinar Announcement PDF


Seminar on the Automated Export System by the Customs Department

We would like to inform you that the Customs Department is organizing an additional seminar related to the Automated Export System (AES) on Thursday, 30/11/2023, from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm. The seminar will be held at the Archelon Hall (‘Zeta Aimilianidou’ room, No. 5911, 2nd floor of the Ministry of Finance). This is a chance for those economic entities who were not timely informed about the seminars organized on this matter on previous dates.

Interested parties are invited to send an email to the following email address:, stating their full name, phone number, company, and email address, no later than Wednesday, 29/11/2023, at 10:00 am.

Circular PDF – Seminar on the Automated Export System by the Customs Department

Public Consultation on the Research and Innovation Strategy 2024-2026

We would like to inform you that the Research and Innovation Directorate of the Ministry of Research, Innovation, and Digital Policy is conducting a public consultation on the draft of Cyprus’ Research and Innovation Strategy for the period 2024-2026.
The Research and Innovation Strategy for 2024-2026 aims to contribute to the achievement of national and European goals for developing a smart, sustainable, and resilient knowledge-based economy. The strategy envisions:\

• Improving the quality and efficiency of the national research and innovation system by enhancing excellence,
• Increasing investment and funding for research and innovation,
• Contributing to addressing social and environmental challenges,
• Aligning research and innovation with the priorities of the European Union and Cyprus, such as digital transition, the green deal, health, and well-being.

You can find the full text of the draft Research and Innovation Strategy on the website of the Ministry of Research, Innovation, and Digital Policy.
Comments and observations can be submitted, no later than December 5, 2023, through the consultation platform of the Ministry of Research, Innovation, and Digital Policy.”

Circular PDF – Public Consultation on the Research and Innovation Strategy 2024-2026

Independent Authority against Corruption

Επισυνάπτεται πρόσκληση για την εκδήλωση της Ανεξάρτητης Αρχής κατά της Διαφθοράς στις 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2023, στις 10:00 π.μ. στο Ξενοδοχείο Κλεοπάτρα με θέμα:

«Η εφαρμογή του Νόμου του Lobbying ως εργαλείο Διαφάνειας προς το σκοπό της πρόληψης και καταπολέμησης της Διαφθοράς»

Όσα μέλη θα ήθελαν να συμμετάσχουν, παρακαλώ να δηλώσουν έγκαιρα συμμετοχή μέχρι τις 6 Δεκεμβρίου 2023 στο email: αναφέροντας ονοματεπώνυμο, τηλέφωνο, φορέα, και ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση.

Circular PDF – Independent Authority against Corruption

Customs Department Updates – Access to the new export system (AES)

Επισυνάπτονται από το Τμήμα Τελωνείων τα νέα έντυπα (ΤΕΛ. 1003 & ΤΕΛ. 1004) για απόκτηση πρόσβασης στο νέο σύστημα εξαγωγών (AES).

Η λειτουργία του AES αναμένεται να ξεκινήσει μέσα στο Δεκέμβριο σε ημερομηνία που θα σας κοινοποιηθεί σύντομα.
Ήδη μετά την παρακολούθηση των σεμιναρίων για το AES θα πρέπει να σας έχουν αποσταλεί τα username & password για το testing περιβάλλον του συστήματος. Για οποιεσδήποτε απορίες ή σχόλια έχετε παρακαλώ αποστείλετε e-mail στο

Σημειώνεται ότι στα έντυπα αυτά παράλληλα με το νέο σύστημα εξαγωγών (AES), όποιος επιθυμεί μπορεί με τη συμπλήρωσή τους να αποκτήσει πρόσβαση και στο νέο σύστημα διαμετακόμισης (NCTS) που αναμένεται να μπει σε παραγωγική λειτουργία λίγο πιο μετά από το AES σε ημερομηνία που επίσης θα σας κοινοποιηθεί.

Announcement PDF – Customs Dept. Updates AES 27 11 23