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Category: Incoming Trade Mission and Fairs

2nd Edition POLCYBER 2024 – Polish-Cypriot Cybersecurity Forum

On the occasion of the Business Mission from Poland, the Polish-Cypriot Chamber of Commerce in Cyprus, in collaboration with the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Nicosia and supported by the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), is organizing a Business Forum and networking reception on June 28, 2024, at 9:00 a.m.-13:00 pm on the 2nd floor of the CCCI.

The event entitled “2nd Edition POLCYBER 2024 – Polish-Cypriot Cybersecurity Forum”, will focus on the ICT sector with a specific focus on cybersecurity. The aim is to inform the Cypriot companies about the technologically advanced products and services enhancing bilateral cooperation in the field of cybersecurity between Poland and Cyprus.
Companies wishing to attend the Business Forum and/or have meetings with members of the Polish delegation are requested to register HERE no later than Friday, June 21, 2024. There is no participation fee.

For more information, please contact us at or at 22889706.

PDF Circular – 2nd Edition POLCYBER 2024 – Polish-Cypriot Cybersecurity Forum

Business Delegation from Slovakia 29 May 2024 Limassol Chamber Of Commerce And Industry

A group of Slovak entrepreneurs will be in the Limassol Chamber of Commerce & Industry in the morning of Wednesday, May 29, 2024 at 10:00 – 12:00 and would like to have meetings with interested members of our Chamber, aiming to explore possible partnerships.

The list of Slovak companies, together with the areas of activity of each one, is attached and please let us know as soon as possible which of the members of the Slovak delegation you wish to meet.

The exact time of the meetings, which are held in cooperation with the office of the Honorary Consul of Slovakia in Cyprus, will be communicated to you later.

PDF Circular – Business Delegation from Slovakia

Business Delegation form Armenia – 3/10/23

Στο πλαίσιο της ενίσχυσης και εμβάθυνσης των οικονομικών και επιχειρηματικών σχέσεων Κύπρου – Αρμενίας, το ΚΕΒΕ σε συνεργασία με το IBRS Council of Armenia (International Business Relations Support) διοργανώνει φόρουμ και επιχειρηματικές συναντήσεις στις 3
Οκτωβρίου 2023 και ώρα 10:30πμ στο ΚΕΒΕ.

Για περισσότερα ΕΔΩ

Business Delegation from Armenia

03 October 2023, 10.30 a.m.
Nicosia, CCCI Building (2nd Floor)

In an effort to strengthen and deepen the economic and business relations between Cyprus and Armenia, the CCCI, in cooperation with the IBRS COUNCIL (International Business Relations Support Council) of Armenia, are organizing a Business Forum and B2B meetings which will take place on 3 October 2023 at 10:30am on the 2nd floor of the CCCI.

The aim of the Business Forum is for the participating companies to be informed about the potential for cooperation between the two countries and to engage in B2B meetings.

The Forum will conclude with the organization of business meetings between Armenian and Cypriot companies with the aim of expanding trade and investment relations between the two countries.

It should be noted that the Business Forum will be attended by eight companies from Armenia interested in meetings with Cypriot businesses. Τhe visiting companies are from the following sectors:

  • Hotel and Tourism
  • Agricultural sector
  • Food and Drinks
  • Jewelry
  • Psychology
  • Interior and Exterior Design

Below is the list of business profiles from Armenia. The Event agenda will be sent to all registered participants in due course together with the allotted B2B meetings.

If you are interested in attending the Business Forum and/or having meetings with the members of the Armenian delegation, please register HERE no later than the 25 September 2023.

For any further information you may require you can contact us tel. 22889772, e-mail:

Circular PDF – Business Delegation from Armenia

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