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Development of a European HR Community for Cyber

Being aware of the huge cyber risks that businesses face, the CCCI has been participating since 2016 as a founding member of the European Cyber Security Organization (ECSO) so that it can keep the business world of Cyprus informed about the risks and the ways to deal with cyber-attacks.

ECSO is the first European public-private partnership in the field of cyber security, and also brings together members of national, regional, and local public administrations, research centers, and universities.

As part of its efforts, ECSO in cooperation with Women4Cyber, has announced the development of a European HR Community, with the main aim of contributing to reducing the workforce gap, and accelerating the recruitment of cyber security professionals in Europe.

More specifically, this community will address issues such as providing information on the practical needs and challenges of the industry, as well as proposing solutions and initiatives aimed at better attracting, recruiting, and retaining talent in the field of cyber security.
Therefore, those members of the CCCI who are active in the field of human resources and wish to be included in the above community, are kindly requested to inform us by Friday 16/06/23 by completing the relevant participation form here.