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Publication of European Standards-CEN & CENELEC

We are sending you the publication of the Cyprus Organization for Standardization (CYS) which has been prepared on Friday 7/7/2023 (Regulatory Administrative Act 216 & 217/2023 – No. 5809) and concerns:

  • Adoption of European standards as national standards (standards adopted by CEN & CENELEC in June 2023).

Also in the following link you can find the standards issued by ISO for the month of June 2023

For further information or clarifications, please contact Mrs. Despina Christoforou Kotsoni, at the Information and Service Center of the Cyprus Standardization Organization, telephone no.: 22-411413, fax: 22411433 and at email:

Circular PDF – CEN & CENELEC

DiGiNN Invitation for Training on Cybersecurity

Free Training Seminar on Cybersecurity organized by the European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) Cyprus, DiGiNN 25/7/2023, Tuesday, 10:00 – 12:00 at the Central Offices of PWC

On Tuesday, July 25, the first round of training seminars organized by the European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) Cyprus, “DiGiNN”, is closing.

CCCI, as a member of “DiGiNN”, invites you to the last training seminar on strengthening a safe and secure digital environment (Cybersecurity).

The seminar is targeting SMEs and Public Sector Services and will take place from 10:00 – 12:00 on July 25, 2023, at the PWC headquarters (Experience Centre) located at 43 Demosthenes Severi Avenue, 1080, Nicosia.

Attendance is free, however registration is required to have access to the PWC building. For Registration please click HERE.

The working language of the seminar will be English.

Participants will have the opportunity to take a guided tour of PWC’s interactive and innovative Experience Centre.

For more information, please call 22889719.

PDF Circular – Training on Cybersecurity DiGiNN

I-STARS Grants Scheme for Tourism Businesses Online Information Session

Invitation I-STARS Grants Scheme Online Information Meeting for Tourism Enterprises, 03 August 2023 (15.30-17.00)

Following our circular (last Wednesday 19 July), regarding the launch of the Grants Scheme implemented within the framework of the EU co-funded project “Island Sustainable Tourism Action through Resilient SMEs (I-STARS)”, we would like to invite you to an online information session on Thursday 03 August at 15:30-17:00.

Read the complete circular here: PDF Circular I-STARS

Open Call For Expression Of Interest For Trainers

We would like to inform you that the Cyprus Productivity Centre (KEPA) invites individuals to express their interest in providing services as trainers in training programs organized in the framework of the National Action Plan for the European Year of Skills “Modern Professional Development for the Green and Digital Transition.” The training programs concern the Development of a Modern Professional Culture, which includes the thematic subjects of Green Development and the Environment, digital skills, safety, and quality of work.

For more information, the Open Invitation for Partners is enclosed.

Interested candidates should submit the Expression of Interest Application indicating the topics which they can present/teach, based on their qualifications.

For additional clarifications, you can contact the responsible Officer of the Productivity Centre: Mr. Andreas Stylianou, tel. 22806144, email:

Circular PDF – Open Call for Expression of Interest for Trainers to collaborate with the Cyprus Productivity Centre within the framework of the National Action Plan for the European Year of Skills