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Work on instant payments in Europe advances

We would like to inform you that the European Central Bank (ECB) published yesterday on its website an update on developments regarding the adoption of direct payments in Europe.

Public administrations pay significant amounts of money, both nationally and across borders, for payments relating to public procurements, pensions, social security contributions and taxes etc. Therefore, the public administrations have an important stake in the payments ecosystem, which is why the ECB is urging public sector bodies to switch to direct payments (see the factsheet on this subject at the link here).

CIRCULAR – Work on instant payments in Europe advances

Business Facilitation Unit (BFU) – “One-Stop-Shop” for the licensing of energy production projects from Renewable Energy Sources

Σας ενημερώνουμε ότι στα πλαίσια της προσπάθειας που γίνεται για επανασχεδιασμό, βελτίωση και ψηφιοποίηση των διαδικασιών αδειοδότησης έργων παραγωγής ενέργειας από Ανανεώσιμες Πηγές Ενέργειας (ΑΠΕ), το Υπουργικό Συμβούλιο, κατά τη συνεδρία του ημερομηνίας 22 Φεβρουαρίου 2023, όρισε ως «Υπηρεσία Ενιαίας Εξυπηρέτησης» (One – Stop – Shop) για την αδειοδότηση των εν λόγω έργων, τη Μονάδα Διευκόλυνσης Επιχειρήσεων (ΜΔΕ) του Υπουργείου Ενέργειας, Εμπορίου και Βιομηχανίας.

Η ΜΔΕ, η οποία αποτελεί πλέον το μοναδικό σημείο επαφής του αιτούντος κατά τη διάρκεια της διαδικασίας αδειοδότησης, είναι υπεύθυνη για τον συντονισμό, την παροχή καθοδήγησης και τη διευκόλυνση του συνόλου της διοικητικής διαδικασίας αδειοδότησης έργων παραγωγής ενέργειας από ΑΠΕ.

Η διαδικασία αδειοδότησης σταθμών παραγωγής ενέργειας από ΑΠΕ περιλαμβάνει όλες τις διαδικασίες από την παραλαβή της αίτησης μέχρι την κοινοποίηση του αποτελέσματος και καλύπτει:

  •  όλες τις σχετικές διοικητικές άδειες και εγκρίσεις που απαιτούνται από τις εν ισχύι νομοθεσίες για την κατασκευή, εγκατάσταση, αναβάθμιση και λειτουργία έργων παραγωγής ενέργειας από ΑΠΕ, καθώς και,
  • τις διοικητικές διαδικασίες για τις εγκρίσεις ή τις αδειοδοτήσεις για την κατασκευή των απαραίτητων υποδομών που απαιτούνται για τη σύνδεση των προαναφερόμενων έργων ΑΠΕ στο δίκτυο μεταφοράς ή διανομής.

Στην παρούσα φάση βρίσκεται σε εξέλιξη η δημιουργία διαδικτυακής πλατφόρμας «Digital One Stop Shop» στο πλαίσιο του Εθνικού Σχεδίου Ανάκαμψης και Ανθεκτικότητας, μέσα από την οποία όλες οι αιτήσεις αδειοδότησης έργων ΑΠΕ, καθώς και αιτήσεις για ανακαίνιση κτηρίων, θα υποβάλλονται και θα διεκπεραιώνονται, ηλεκτρονικά. Αναμένεται ότι μέχρι το τέλος Ιουλίου 2023 θα παραδοθεί και θα τεθεί σε λειτουργία η πρώτη φάση της διαδικτυακής πλατφόρμας, η οποία θα είναι δυναμική και θα αναβαθμίζεται τακτικά.

Μέχρις ότου τεθεί σε λειτουργία η ηλεκτρονική πλατφόρμα, θα γίνονται δεκτές οι αιτήσεις μέσω ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου, μόνο για εμπορικά έργα ΑΠΕ που έχουν εξασφαλίσει ήδη τη χρήση του τεμαχίου, στο οποίο θα υλοποιηθεί η επένδυση.

Βρείτε τη σχετική ανακοίνωση του ΥΕΕΒ καθώς και άλλες πληροφορίες πατώντας εδώ

Οι ενδιαφερόμενοι μπορούν να επικοινωνούν με τον αρμόδιο Λειτουργό, κ. Χρίστο Γωγάκη (ΜΔΕ – Αδειοδότηση Έργων ΑΠΕ) στο τηλέφωνο 22-867203 και στην ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση

CIRCULAR – Business Facilitation MAY 2023

Invitation to participate in the matchmaking event (B2B meetings) Circular Economy B2B@FORWARD GREEN

We would like to inform you that the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) is organizing a Matchmaking Event (B2B) under the framework of the 1st Forward Green exhibition and congress
event (FG Expo) of HELEXPO, which will take place from 8-10 June 2023, at the TIF-HELEXPO Exhibition grounds in Thessaloniki. The B2B event will take place on the first two days of the 3-day exhibition, 8-9 June (Thursday and Friday) at 11:00-18:00 in an appropriately designed space on the mezzanine of stand 15 in the exhibition area of TIF.

This event is addressed to companies, agencies, organisations, and governmental agents that are adopting modern practices for the utilisation of raw materials, building materials, technologies,
energy, recycling and packaging, which through innovative solutions and smart partnerships, will have a positive impact on reducing environmental pollution, increasing the sustainability of products and services, while creating new business opportunities.

In addition, the B2B event includes a hosted buyer programme, covering travel expenses (accommodation and flight). To qualify for this programme, the applicants must be buyers (i.e. importers, wholesalers, distributors, representatives of chain stores). More details here.

If you are interested in participating in the EEN B2B event, you should submit your business profile to the B2Match business meeting platform. Click here.

In the registration form, you need to precisely define your business profile and the type of collaboration you want to create. A detailed description of the business profile is extremely
important as it increases the chance to arrange “B2B” meetings with other participants. The sooner you register, the more foreign partners will be able to see what your company is offering
or requesting.

After registering, you can view other companies’ profiles and book your business meetings. To complete your registration and be approved, the “Marketplace item” field in your profile (e.g.
Product/Service/Request) must be filled in.

To complete your registration and be approved, the “Marketplace item” field in your profile (e.g. Product/Service/Request) must be filled in.

For any questions regarding the completion of the profile, you can contact the CCCI, as a local EΕΝ support centre and co-organiser of the B2B event, at tel. 22889752, 22889750 or email:

Circular – Circular Economy B2B@FORWARD GREEN

Funding for Trade Fair participation with a state booth for 2024

The participation of businesses in exhibitions abroad with a state booth can have multiple benefits. Some of the main benefits include international exposure, creating new contacts and expanding business networks, presenting new products and innovations, and overall export development.

Τhe Ministry of Energy, Commerce, and Industry has announced the funding scheme for participation in international exhibitions with a state booth for the year 2024. Applications can be submitted from May 23, 2023, until June 15, 2023.

More information, as well as the list of exhibitions in which the Ministry intends to participate, can be found in the attached announcement from the Ministry here

SIAL India International Food Fair

We would like to inform you that Commissioner Wojciechowski will be visiting India on 6-12 December 2023 accompanied by a delegation of up to 70 senior representatives of European companies/producer organizations of the agri-food sector. This trip will combine official meetings of the Commissioner with the relevant governmental counterparts, and promotion activities attended by the business delegation in conjunction with the European Commission’s presence at SIAL India international food fair with an EU pavilion.

The visit to India will concentrate on providing market intelligence in the food and beverage sector, business-to-business activities, as well as retail and site visits. The program of the business delegation will provide the representatives of the European agri-food sector with an excellent platform to discover the Indian market and to make direct business contacts both in New Delhi (mainly at SIAL India) as well as in Mumbai, with B2B professionals from across India.

Business delegates attending this mission should represent particularly, but not exclusively, the sectors of pork and poultry, chocolate, confectionery and bakery, dairy, wines, beer and spirits, olive oil and vegetable oils, fruits and vegetables, geographical indication products, commodities such as grains, oilseeds, and animal feed.

The Commissioner would like to include in his business delegation European and national producers’ organizations and companies from all EU Member States with strong export potential that preferably have not participated in such EU projects before.

The final selection of the business representatives will be based on the product and geographical balance of the delegation. In this context, the candidates’ representativeness of a given sector, their capacity to conduct international business and accessing challenging markets will also be taken into account.

Senior level representatives from both producer organizations and individual companies are welcome to take part. Participants are expected to attend the whole program.

Interested organizations/companies are invited to complete the online application form by 15 June 2023 via the link: EUSurvey – Survey (

For any practical questions you may address directly the Research Executive Agency via email:

DG AGRI’s announcement of the event is available HERE.