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Seminar Problem Solving & Conflict Management Through Emotional Intelligence


-What is conflict?
-What are the sources of conflict?
-Difference between Emotional VS Rational responses to conflict
-Examples and tendencies of manifestation of Emotional & Rational responses at different times
-Consequences of each response and effect on team dynamics
-Thought process & behaviour process analysis
-Co-existence of contradictory characteristics in the same individual/Manifestation times and situations
-Embracing conflict as a source of transformation & growth
-Categorization of types of conflict & conflict behaviour styles
-Consequences of each type of Conflict?
-Conflict behaviour style influence on innovativeness in a team
-The 5 conflict management styles based on two dimensions
-Using EQ in resolving conflict & building emotional bonds
-How does Cognitive Conflict in Design Teams support the development of creative ideas?
-Dealing with barriers to creativity & conflict management – Difficult character types and handling solutions
-Problem solving – The SCAMPER Method: Substitute – Combine – Adapt – Modify – Put to another use – Eliminate – Reverse

For more information here : Circular PDF – Seminar Problem Solving & Conflict Management Through Emotional Intelligence

ICT Re-Up Skilling’ Programme

The Deputy Ministry of Research, Innovation, and Digital Policy informed us that an “Open Day” on the “ICT Re-Up Skilling” programme will be held on Friday, February 02, 2024, at 15:00, at the Training Center of the Digital Security Authority.

It is an innovative pilot programme for the upskilling and retraining of employees and/or unemployed persons who hold academic qualifications in science or economics.

With the appropriate training, the selected individuals will acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to successfully work in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to exploit new professional opportunities in sectors where there is an increased demand. Some companies – members of CITEA (A. Th. Loizou, IBM, NCR, NetU, Oracle, Powersoft, PWC) are willing to employ the candidates if they succeed in the written exams after completion of the training and respond to personal interviews.

More information can be found on the website of the Deputy Ministry and its social media.

PDF Circular – ICT Re-Up Skilling’ Programme

Termination Of Employment And Wage Protection In Business


Τερματισμός Απασχόλησης
Νόμιμη Απόλυση, Παράνομη Απόλυση, Πλεονασμός 
Εξαναγκασμός σε παραίτηση – οικειοθελής αποχώρηση
Κάλυψη, περίοδοι προειδοποίησης και αποζημιώσεις
Δικαίωμα σε αποζημίωση και ύψος πληρωμής για πλεονασμό και παράνομη απόλυση
Σχέση Εργοδότη – Εργοδοτούμενου
Σύμβαση Εργασίας και σύμβαση έργου
Υποχρεώσεις Εργοδότη και Εργοδοτούμενου
Παρουσίαση σχετικών αποφάσεων του Δικαστηρίου Εργατικών Διαφορών και ανάλυση τους
Πειθαρχικός Κώδικας στις Επιχειρήσεις
Προστασία των Μισθών

Αιμίλιος Μιχαήλ, Διευθυντής Τμήματος Εργασιακών Σχέσεων, Κοινωνικής Πολιτικής & Ανάπτυξης Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού.
Ο κύριος Μιχαήλ κατέχει πολυετή εμπειρία με περισσότερααπό 35 χρόνια στον τομέα.

PDF Circular – Termination Of Employment And Wage Protection In Business

Forward Green and Renewable Energy Tech Expo

We would like to inform you that the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) is organizing a Matchmaking Event (B2B) under the framework of the 2nd Forward Green exhibition and congress event (FG Expo) and the 1st Renewable EnergyTech Expo exhibition of HELEXPO, which will take place from 8-9 March 2024, at the TIF-HELEXPO Exhibition grounds in Thessaloniki.

This event is addressed to companies, agencies, organizations, and governmental agents that are adopting modern practices for the utilization of raw materials, building materials, technologies, energy, recycling and packaging, which through innovative solutions and smart partnerships, will have a positive impact on reducing environmental pollution, increasing the sustainability of products and services, while creating new business opportunities.

Read more here: CIRCULAR-RENEWABLEB2B@FGEXPO+RESTECH» | 8-9/3/2024

Webinar on the VAT Legislation in Real Estate Transactions

Presents a Webinar on the “VAT Legislation in Real Estate Transactions”.
When: Thursday February 22nd 08:45 – 13:30 (Microsoft Teams Webinar Platform – link to be send day before)

Online Registration: Cltr+Click directly to complete the relevant form: Registrations

Webinar VAT Legislation in Real Estate Transactions 22 February