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Business Delegation & Forum Shangai – Hong Kong 17 & 19 October 2023

The Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry in cooperation with the Ministry of Energy, Commerce and Industry and the Cyprus-China Business Association and the Cyprus -East and South East Asia Business Association are organizing a Roadshow to the Far East consisting of two events. The first leg will be held in Shanghai on the 17 October 2023 followed by the second leg, in Hong Kong on the 19 October 2023. The country has astonishing success stories to tell, both being hubs for international finance, trade and shipping. This economic performance and economic diligence of the nation cast them without of a shadow of a doubt of paramount importance for the market of Cyprus.

In particular, the key objective of the delegation is to provide the audience with an overview of Cyprus, followed by presentations by all the delegates where the advantages of using Cyprus as a base to Europe will be displayed, providing thus a tremendous opportunity for the business community and Cyprus in general to enter these affluent countries

Forum Itinerary

15 Oct 2023 – Departure from Cyprus (flight QR 268 at 20:25)
16 Oct 2023 – Transit in Doha to Shanghai (Flight QR 870 at 02:40 am)
16 Oct 2023 – Arrival in Shanghai at 16:20
17 Oct 2023 –  Business Forum in Shanghai and free day for business meetings
18 Oct 2023 – Transit to Hong Kong (flight to be finalised in due course)
19 Oct 2023 – Business Event in Hong Kong
20 Oct 2023 – Departure from Hong Kong (QR 815 at 0:25 arriving in Doha at 4:05am)
20 Oct 2023 – Transit from Doha to Cyprus (QR265 at 8:05 arriving in Cyprus at 12:05)

Find all details and information here: PDF Circular Shanghai – Hong Kong August 2023

Announcement by the Customs Department

REFLECT FESTIVAL 2023 – Technology and Innovation Event

Reflect Festival is the largest technology & innovation event in Cyprus and one of the fastest growing in the Mediterranean area.

In its 6th edition this year, the festival will bring together over 8.000 entrepreneurs, investors, and tech enthusiasts, creating the must attend place for building networks across Southern Europe, Middle East & North Africa. The festival has a direct impact on the growth of the startup ecosystem on the island and in partnering countries, fostering synergies between cultures and economies. It annually showcases Cyprus’ rapid progress in innovation and business opportunities while connecting local entrepreneurs to global prospects and vice versa.

The Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry, member of the Enterprise Europe Network Cyprus, within the framework of the Reflect festival, will organize an on-site matchmaking event on the 20th – 21st of September 2023.

The EEN Cyprus match-making event aims to bring together buyers, suppliers/providers and researchers from a large number of European countries. This is a unique opportunity to generate new business contacts and contracts. The meetings will take place in a dedicated area and will be scheduled in advance HERE.

For this matchmaking event the Organizers are interested in attracting established companies, startups & investors, from countries active in the technology sector. The aim of the event is to showcase start-ups but also to facilitate partnerships of already established SMEs looking for new technological solutions.

Learn more here: PDF Circular – REFLECT FESTIVAL 2023 – Technology and Innovation Event

Announcement By The Department of Labour Inspection

Προϊόντα με επικίνδυνες χημικές ουσίες, τα οποία θεωρείται ότι περικλείουν κινδύνους για τους εργαζόμενους και τους καταναλωτές, έχουν εντοπισθεί στην Ευρωπαϊκή αγορά. Το Τμήμα Επιθεώρησης Εργασίας του Υπουργείου Εργασίας και Κοινωνικών Ασφαλίσεων διευκρινίζει ότι οι σχετικές πληροφορίες που ακολουθούν έχουν καταχωρηθεί στο Σύστημα Ταχείας Ανταλλαγής Πληροφοριών για Ασφάλεια Προϊόντων πλην τροφίμων (RAPEX) της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης.

PDF Circular – Announcement By The Department of Labour Inspection