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New Automated Customs Department Import System

We would like to inform you that the Customs Department, which is under the Ministry of Finance, is organizing a presentation on the requirements for the new Automated Import System (CY-UCC-AIS – Automated Import System).

The presentation will take place on Tuesday, June 20, 2023, at 09:30 a.m., in the “Zeta Emilianidou” hall (No. 5911) of the Customs Headquarters, on the 2nd floor of the Ministry of Finance, Nicosia.

The new import system will be operational in November 2023. The meeting is exclusively for those who will develop their own system of integration with the Customs Department. We emphasize that interested parties should attend with their software developers.

You are kindly requested to confirm your participation by email to by Thursday, June 15, 2023.

For any additional information please contact Mrs. Eliza Fantidou at or by telephone on 22-601749.

New Automated Customs Department Import System

Webinar – Demonstration of the Green Public Procurement Platform

Το ΚΕΒΕ σε συνεργασία με το Πανεπιστήμιο Frederick και το Τμήμα Περιβάλλοντος, σας προσκαλούν στη διαδικτυακή συνάντηση για επίδειξη της πλατφόρμας των πράσινων συμβάσεων (ΠΔΣ).
Η διαδικτυακή συνάντηση θα γίνει την Πέμπτη, 29 Ιουνίου 2023 και ώρα 10:00-11:00 π.μ.

Webinar – Demonstration of the Green Public Procurement Platform

Public Consultation on draft regulations on “Market Surveillance (Toys) Rules for 2023”

The Ministry of Energy, Commerce and Industry is conducting a public online consultation on the draft Regulations entitled “The Market Surveillance (Toys) Rules for 2023”.

Among other things, these Regulations aim to incorporate into national law the Directive 2009/45/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the safety of toys, together with its related amendments. The Regulations lay down specific safety requirements aimed at reducing toy-related accidents and ensuring higher levels of protection.

Interested parties may submit their views/comments/suggestions no later than Thursday 13 July 2023, electronically at emails and or at fax 22867357. For more information, please contact the Ministry’s Officers at 22200926 and 22200918.

The Ministry’s announcement as well as the Draft Regulations are attached below.

Public Consultation on draft regulations on Market Surveillance Toys Rules for 2023

CCCI is calling out Sustainability Experts – Consultants

The EU co-funded project entitled Island Sustainable Tourism Action through Resilient SMEs (I-STARS) is all about helping tourism enterprises based on islands to take their transformation journey down the 2030 road to recovery and sustainability.

To this end, the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI), together with 5 more organisations from the islands of Greece, Ireland, Italy (Sicily) and Spain (Mallorca), partners in the I-STARS project will launch later this year an ‘Open Call for SMEs’ whereby tourism businesses can apply to receive a grant of up t o € 5,600 in the form of a voucher to be redeemed against the provision of services offered by Sustainability Experts/Service Providers. The provided vouchers shall boost tourism SMEs awareness, development, and capacity to integrate sustainable innovations in their business practice, adopting sustainability, resilience and circularity as drivers of their competitiveness in the rapidly changing global tourism market scenario.

At this stage of time, the CCCI is calling out for Experts-Consultants interested to join the I-STARS Sustainability Experts Directory, and who have the experience in assisting tourism businesses transition into sustainability, by offering a variety of services to them.

Interested parties must express their interest by filling in the online form, clicking here.

  • There are minimum requirements to apply.
  • Applications can be submitted by more than one Consultant per company.
  • Read the ‘Guide for Applicants’ here.                     
  • Applications must be received by Wednesday 21st June 2023. There is limited space to join the I-STARS Sustainability Experts Directory, while applications will be treated on a first-come-basis.

For more information, please contact CCCI tel. 22889840, c/o Demetra Palaonda ( or Maria Klokkari (

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