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Cyprus Diaspora Forum 2024

Cyprus Diaspora Forum 2024 – Embrace the Opportunity for Potential Business Collaborations in Cyprus

The Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Coordinator of the Enterprise Europe Network Cyprus, will organize an on-site Matchmaking Event (B2B meetings) on the 6th – 9th of March 2024, during the Cyprus Diaspora Forum 2024. The Matchmaking Event involves pre-arranged bilateral meetings that offer Cyprus Diaspora Forum participants the opportunity to discover potential partners aligned with their interests and learn for investment-worthy projects. The event is open to companies, start-ups, entrepreneurs, research institutions, universities, and other organizations of any field as the Forum covers a variety of different sectors.

Read more: PDF Circular – Cyprus Diaspora Forum 2024 – Embrace the Opportunity for Potential Business Collaborations in Cyprus

Decree on the Removal of Packaging Material Weight

On January 1, 2024, Decree no. 382 (Regulatory Administrative Act 382/2023) has entered into force. The Decree concerns the removal of the weight of the packaging material (tara) in the products offered in bulk, packaged, and weighed in the presence of the consumer.

Through checks carried out by the Ministry of Energy, Commerce, and Industry, it has been identified that there is a lack of information of their obligations on the part of the retailers. For this reason, the Ministry has planned informational actions that will be linked to a planned inspection, in various premises, all over Cyprus.

Please find below an information leaflet that will also be distributed by the Ministry to inform the retailers. The relevant Decree is also attached.

For more information please contact the Weights and Measures Service of the Ministry at tel. no. 22369857.

PDF Circular – Decree on the Removal of Packaging Material Weight

Productive Warehouse Management: For Improving Productivity & Profitability

Nicosia 21/03/2024 (CLEOPATRA Hotel)

Κυριότερα θέματα που θα καλυφθούν:
•    Ο κρίσιμος ρόλος της διαχείρισης αποθήκης / αποθεμάτων
•    Η οργάνωση της αποθήκης
•    Η αποθήκη ως παραγωγική μονάδα της επιχείρησης – κρυμμένα κόστη
•    Διαχείριση πόρων και ψηφιακή μεταρρύθμιση (digital transformation)

Εκπαιδευτής Προγράμματος: κ. Ντίνος Ιωαννίδης

PDF Circular – Productive Warehouse Management

Procurement Contracts – Services [Direct Award and Invitation to Tender for the Provision of Washing – Ironing and Dry Cleaning Services by ELDYK Contract 01/2024 / ELDYK]

Σας αποστέλλουμε συνημμένα την πρόσκληση υποβολής προσφοράς που αφορά στην παροχή υπηρεσιών Πλυσίματος – Σιδερώματος και Στεγνού Καθαρίσματος για ανάγκες της ΕΛΔΥΚ, μετά την ανάρτηση και δημοσιοποίησής της στο ΚΗΜΔΗΣ.

Καταληκτική ημερομηνία υποβολής: Παρασκευή 16/02/2024 και ώρα 11:00 πμ.

Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες παρακαλώ όπως επικοινωνείτε με τον Λοχαγό (ΕΜ) Αντώνιο Γιωτόπουλο, Τμηματάρχη ΕΛΔΥΚ/4 ΕΓ/ΙΙΙ (Τμ. Προμηθειών) στο τηλέφωνο +35722412741 και στην ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση:

PDF – Δημοσίευση Διακήρυξης Διαγωνισμού ΕΛΔΥΚ