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Control Campaign on Unfair Trading Practices in the Agricultural and Food Supply Chain Laws of 2021 and 2023

We would like to inform you that concerning the Unfair Trading Practices in the Agricultural Supply Chain Laws of 2021 and 2023, the Department of Agriculture of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment, has informed that it has started a campaign to check the compliance of the market, with emphasis on the unauthorized use of reusable packaging or transport boxes, the immediate issuance of an invoice upon delivery, as well as the delay in payments beyond the specified timetables.

It is reminded that according to the provisions of the Laws, 13 unfair trading practices are prohibited for the products included in Annex I of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union as well as products processed for use as food using products of Annex I. Furthermore, the Laws prohibit 6 more practices for all fruit and vegetables, while for the rest of the products they prohibit these practices only in cases where no prior agreements were concluded with clear and unambiguous terms.

An informative guide with the necessary information on the above laws is attached. In addition, interested parties can be informed through the website of the Department of Agriculture where the relevant announcements, answers to questions, etc. have been posted, by clicking here.

PDF Circular – Control Campaign on Unfair Trading Practices

Tax Department Update

Weekly information bulletin, with comprehensive briefing in matters of direct and indirect taxation.

This is the weekly information bulletin, with comprehensive briefing in matters of direct and indirect taxation. The links will be valid until 14/01/2024.

KEBE Tax Update to 081223

Submission of applications to participate with a state stand at the GITEX GLOBAL 2024 Technology and IT exhibition

We would like to inform you that the Ministry of Energy, Commerce, and Industry (MECI) intends to participate, for the 3rd consecutive year, in the international Technology Information Exhibition ” GITEX GLOBAL”, which will be held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, from 14 to 18 October 2024.

The participation of the Ministry in this exhibition aims to contribute to the strengthening of the extroversion of Cypriot service companies, to the promotion of the technology and information sector, and, by extension, to the increase of exports both within existing and new markets.

In this context, the Ministry of Energy, Commerce, and Industry has announced the “De Minimis Grant Scheme to Cypriot companies for participation in Service exhibitions abroad, in which the Ministry of Energy, Commerce, and Industry participates with a national pavilion.”

Participants in the National Pavilion will have the opportunity both to promote their technologies and to take advantage of the networking and business cooperation opportunities offered to both exhibitor-enterprises and professional visitors.

It is noted that the Ministry of Energy, Commerce, and Industry participated, with a national pavilion, in the international exhibition in question both in October 2022 hosting 7 technology companies, and in October 2023 hosting 8 companies operating in a wide range of technologies.

The application form and the information guide can be found at the following link: “Grant scheme for participation with a national pavilion at the Technology Information Exhibition GITEX GLOBAL 2024.”

Applications may be submitted by hand, by registered mail, or by private courier until 10/01/2024. Applications submitted after 10/01/2024 will be considered overdue and will not be taken into account.

PDF Announcement – GITEX GLOBAL 2024

Enhancing Cybersecurity for Cypriot Small and Medium Enterprises 2023

We would like to inform you that the Digital Security Authority (DSA) as the National Cybersecurity Coordination Center (NCC-CY) in collaboration with the Foundation for Research and Innovation Foundation (FRI) announced a Call for Proposals for the Program:

Enhancement of Cybersecurity in Cypriot Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) 2023” invites beneficiaries to submit relevant Project Proposals.

The Call is co-funded by the Republic of Cyprus and the “Digital Europe” Program of the European Union, in the framework of the implementation of the European Project “N4CY-Development of the National Cybersecurity Coordination Centre of the Republic of Cyprus” (Grant Agreement 101101331).).

Proposals are submitted through the IRIS portal of the FRI and the deadline is January 31, 2024.

Call Budget: 1.000.000 Euros
Minimum Funding per Project: 20.000 Euros
Maximum Funding per Project: 60.000 Euros
Aid intensity: 60% 

Relevant information is attached below for further action.

PDF Circular – Enhancing Cybersecurity for Cypriot Small and Medium Enterprises 2023

Announcement by the Customs Department