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Problem Solving And Conflict Management Through Emotional Intelligence


Seminar Hours: 08:45 – 17:00

Conducting Language: English
Discussions and interventions can also be done in the Greek language.

Trainer: Amandina Vernescu

The program is addressed to: Directors, department heads in companies, administrative officers, scientific staff, and office managers who supervise staff.

Main topics to be covered:

-What is conflict?
-What are the sources of conflict?
-Difference between Emotional VS Rational responses to conflict
-Examples and tendencies of manifestation of Emotional & Rational responses at different times
-Consequences of each response and effect on team dynamics
-Thought process & behaviour process analysis
-Co-existence of contradictory characteristics in the same individual/Manifestation times and situations
-Embracing conflict as a source of transformation & growth Categorization of types of conflict & conflict behaviour styles
-Consequences of each type of Conflict?
-Conflict behaviour style influence on innovativeness in a team
-The 5 conflict management styles based on two dimensions
-Using EQ in resolving conflict & building emotional bonds
-How does Cognitive Conflict in Design Teams support the development of creative ideas?
-Dealing with barriers to creativity & conflict management – Difficult character types and handling solutions
-Problem solving – The SCAMPER Method: Substitute – Combine – Adapt – Modify – -Put to another use – Eliminate – Reverse

PDF – Problem Solving And Conflict Management Through Emotional Intelligence


Research on Training in AI, VR and SI for Companies

Undoubtedly, the digital transition creates new opportunities and challenges in the economy, making it imperative to develop business skills.
Artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR), and social innovation (SI) are developing with mathematical precision and at a rapid pace, opening up new perspectives in the field of vocational education and training.

Business personnel must develop appropriate skills, thus ensuring that the business can meet new market demands and maintain its resilience. As the workforce has the skills needed, sustainable growth and innovation are gaining ground, and business competitiveness is improving.

The European project EULEP (EUropean Learning Experience Platform), co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme, aims to contribute to the promotion of excellence in vocational education and training (VET), specialising in the fields of artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR), and social innovation (SI), as a means to promote lifelong learning in enterprises.

Through the EULEP project, an online platform will be created, becoming a Centre of Professional Excellence so that businesses can be trained on AI, VR, and SI.

We invite all businesses to complete a short questionnaire HERE so that we can design and develop a training programme tailored to their needs. The last date to complete the questionnaires is Wednesday 29/11/2023.

EULEP Circular PDF

Seminar on European Week for Waste Reduction

We would like to inform you that the Department of Environment of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment is organizing an informative seminar on Thursday, November 23, 2023, at the Cultural venue “Melina Mercouri Theatre” in Palouriotissa.

The seminar is held in the context of the circular economy and rational waste management, focusing on the European Week for Waste Reduction, designated for the year 2023 during the week of November 18-26. The thematic focus for 2023 is “packaging,” with the slogan “Don’t Get Wrapped up.” The seminar provides an opportunity for organizations and associations to present their initiatives related to the circular economy, reduction of packaging, minimizing food and single-use plastic waste, as well as the recycling of textile products.

For your participation in the seminar please complete the participation form.

Find relevant information from the Department of Environment and the full seminar program by clicking here.

For further information, interested parties can contact the telephone numbers 22408923 and 22408938 or send an email to the following addresses: and .

PDF Circular – Seminar on European Week for Waste Reduction