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Energy Conference and Exhibition in the Eastern Mediterranean – Business Matchmaking Event

From November 28th to 30th, 2023, the leading International Event EMC 2023 – Eastern Mediterranean Conference & Exhibition on Energy topics will take place in our country, under the auspices of the Ministry of Energy, Trade, and Industry of Cyprus and with the support of the Cyprus Hydrocarbons Company (CHC).

The Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI) is participating in this event as an Official Partner, organizing a hybrid Business Matchmaking Event with the support of the Enterprise Europe Network.

The goal of the business matchmaking event is to provide participants (exhibitors, conference attendees, and visitors) with the opportunity to engage in pre-scheduled bilateral meetings, create new business contacts, showcase their work, discuss the development of business, technology, and research collaborations, and gain information and advice on new technologies and solutions.

More Information here: PDF Circular – EMC 2023

Extension of the deadline for applications for private participation of businesses in exhibitions in Cyprus and abroad for 2023

We would like to inform you that the Ministry of Energy, Commerce, and Industry has announced that it has decided to extend until Wednesday, September 20, 2023, the period for the submission of applications to participate in the De minimis Grant Schemes for private participation in trade exhibitions that took place or will take place during the period 1/1/2023 – 31/12/2023.

Applications should be submitted by hand or by post by registered mail or by private courier to the Ministry of Energy, Commerce, and Industry, Trade Service, Andreas Araouzou 6, 1421, Nicosia, Cyprus.

Interested parties may obtain the Application Form, together with the incorporated Information Brochure, from the Promotion of Trade in
Good Section of the Trade Service, as well as from the Trade Service website at

For more information, you can contact the Trade Service at 22867234, 22867192, 22867268, or at

Circular PDF exhibitions in Cyprus and abroad for 2023

Business Delegation from Armenia

03 October 2023, 10.30 a.m.
Nicosia, CCCI Building (2nd Floor)

In an effort to strengthen and deepen the economic and business relations between Cyprus and Armenia, the CCCI, in cooperation with the IBRS COUNCIL (International Business Relations Support Council) of Armenia, are organizing a Business Forum and B2B meetings which will take place on 3 October 2023 at 10:30am on the 2nd floor of the CCCI.

The aim of the Business Forum is for the participating companies to be informed about the potential for cooperation between the two countries and to engage in B2B meetings.

The Forum will conclude with the organization of business meetings between Armenian and Cypriot companies with the aim of expanding trade and investment relations between the two countries.

It should be noted that the Business Forum will be attended by eight companies from Armenia interested in meetings with Cypriot businesses. Τhe visiting companies are from the following sectors:

  • Hotel and Tourism
  • Agricultural sector
  • Food and Drinks
  • Jewelry
  • Psychology
  • Interior and Exterior Design

Below is the list of business profiles from Armenia. The Event agenda will be sent to all registered participants in due course together with the allotted B2B meetings.

If you are interested in attending the Business Forum and/or having meetings with the members of the Armenian delegation, please register HERE no later than the 25 September 2023.

For any further information you may require you can contact us tel. 22889772, e-mail:

Circular PDF – Business Delegation from Armenia

Call for Expression of Interest (EoI) “Horizon Europe Travel Grants”

We would like to inform you that a Call for Expression of Interest (EoI), entitled “Horizon Europe Travel Grants”, has been announced by the Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF).

The Call covers the participation costs of individuals from organizations in Cyprus in Networking Events (Brokerage Events) abroad, with the purpose of finding partners and collaborating with them for submitting together proposals in the context of “Horizon Europe” Program.

Eligible costs of the travelling abroad include:

• A return airline economy class ticket for travel to the destination city.
• The actual cost of transportation from the accommodation venue to the airport and back (taxi, train etc.). It is noted that the cost for car rental is not an eligible expense.
• Use of private vehicle for transportation from and to the airport in Cyprus
• Accommodation with a maximum of 60% of the daily allowance as determined by the “Daily Subsistence Allowance Rate” Table for Travelling Abroad which is uploaded on the RIF’s IRIS Portal
• Daily allowance of 40% of the daily living allowance approved for the city so as to cover cost of food and other personal expenses for the days of the meeting/conference.
• For travel days from and to a destination irrespective of its duration, times of arrival/departure or any stopovers, a lump sum allowance is paid, which corresponds to 2.5 allowances for meal/dinner and other personal expenses.
• It is noted that if the actual cost of the Organization for a trip is lower than the highest permissible (as resulting from the above calculations), then the amount that corresponds to the actual cost will be considered the eligible expense.

The total budget of the new Call amounts to €100,000 with a maximum funding per participation of €1,000.
Eligible for participation are persons in organizations such as universities, research organizations, businesses, Non-Governmental Organizations and public services, who are legally established and operate in areas controlled by the Republic of Cyprus. It should be noted that each Organization will be funded for the participation of one (1) employee per Event.

The submission of expression of interest is made online through IRIS platform of the RIF, no later than three weeks before the start date of the respective event and in any case, before the deadline for submitting EoI mentioned below.

Deadline for submitting Expressions of Interest: 31 May 2024 at 13:00.

Applications will be examined on a first-come-first-served basis and according to the date of submission of the Application Form, and until the total requested funding of approved EoI, equals the total Call for Expression of interest budget.

Considering that the funding to the beneficiaries will be provided on the basis of the DeMinimis Aid Regulation (EU Regulation 1407/2013), at the application stage the De Minimis Declaration will be requested to be submitted, together with the Single Undertaking Declaration, in order to ensure that the maximum limit is not exceeded.

For more information, those interested can contact the IdEK at the email address or by phone at 22205000.

Circular PDF – Horizon Europe Travel Grants