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Announcement by the Customs Department

Essential Skills and Tools for Administrative & Secretarial Personnel

Το πρόγραμμα απευθύνεται σε: γραμματειακό και διοικητικό προσωπικό, εκτελεστικούς βοηθούς, υπεύθυνους γραφείου καθώς και σε συντονιστές και εκπρόσωπους εξυπηρέτησης πελατών.

Γλώσσα Διδασκαλίας: Ελληνικά

Γλώσσα Σημειώσεων: Αγγλικά

Εκπαιδεύτρια: κα. Άντρη Πέντα

Κυριότερα θέματα που θα καλυφθούν:
-Taking a Leadership Mindset
-Understanding Your Boss (and Yourself)
-Anticipating your Boss’s needs with good communication skills
-Competencies and Time Management
-Team Working
-Dress for the occasion


PDF – Essential Skills and Tools for Administrative & Secretarial Personnel

Amendment of the Immovable Property of the Republic Law

We would like to inform you that the Ministry of Energy, Commerce, and Industry, informs all interested parties that since October 9, 2023, the licensing process of industrial developments within the Government Industrial Areas has changed.

According to the announcement, among other things, Regulation 8 has been amended, which states that in order to secure a building permit, the applicant/tenant submits architectural plans to the relevant competent Authority, instead of the Ministry of Energy, Commerce and Industry, as was provided for in the said Regulation prior to the amendment.

The Ministry’s announcement is attached as such. For more information, please contact the Competent Officer of the Ministry, Ms. Ioanna Theodotou, at 22867294.


PDF Circular – Amendment of the Immovable Property of the Republic Law